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Dedicated Line to Pasay Pumping Station

Dedicated Line to Pasay Pumping Station

Project Name: Pipe jacking works of 2300mm Ø Steel Casing for the MWSI- 2000 mm Ø Dedicated Line to Pasay Pumping Station, located along P. Ocampo Street crossing Taft Avenue, Manila.
Date: February 2009.
Client: Maynilad

This project is a pipe-jacking work of 2300mm Ø Steel Casing that crossed Taft Ave. in P. Ocampo St. near Vito Cruz LRT Station. This is a part of Maynilad pipe-laying project that will supply water to the Pasay Pumping station. The contract package 1 of was secured by A. A. Alarilla Construction Co., Inc. and the Taft Avenue crossing portion subcontracted to Microtunnelling Const. Tech. Originally the length of the tunnelling was only 33 meters, but because of the underground obstructions, it was extended to 90 meters. The project was completed February 2009. By employing trenchless tunnelling work, the traffic flow along the busy area in Taft Avenue was undisturbed.